The Catechism in Questions & Answers

376. What parallel is there between the church and the person of Jesus Christ?

Jesus Christ has two natures. These are also reflected in the church.
Whenever we speak of the two natures of Jesus, we mean that Jesus Christ is both true God and true Man at the same time. This can also be seen in examples from His life: when He brought the dead man Lazarus back to life, He did so as true God (cf. John 11: 43-47).
As true Man, He suffered from hunger and thirst, for example, just like any other human being (cf. John 4: 7).
The divine nature of Jesus was invisible, while His human nature was visible. It is the same with the church: it has an invisible side and a visible side. As with the two natures of Jesus Christ, both of these are inseparably linked with one another.

The two natures of Christ: see Questions 103. et seq.