Guide for Ministers

6.2.3 Adoption: Sequence and wording Liturgical position

The adoption of guests into the congregation is an act of blessing in which the person to be adopted professes the New Apostolic faith and is granted enduring access to Holy Communion. It takes place after the absolution and the Eucharistic prayer, and can be introduced with a musical contribution.

If several acts are planned before the celebration of Holy Communion, they are to be performed in the following sequence:

  • Holy Baptism with water
  • adoption
  • Holy Sealing
  • confirmation Execution

As a rule, adoptions are performed by priestly ministers. The act takes place in front of the altar.

  • Holy Baptism with water is the first and fundamental act of grace of God.
  • all people who are baptised, who believe in Christ, and who profess Him as their Lord are part of the church of Christ.
  • prerequisites for adoption include the belief and the profession that[56]
    • Jesus Christ will return to take home His bridal congregation
    • the Apostles have been sent to prepare the bride of Christ for Christ’s return.
    • the gift of the Holy Spirit is received through Holy Sealing.
  • the adoption gives the believer permanent access to the celebration of Holy Communion.
Adoption vow

The officiant asks the congregation to rise. Thereafter the officiant asks for a profession to the New Apostolic faith:

“I now ask you before God and the congregation: Do you profess the New Apostolic faith, and is it your wish to follow Jesus Christ and be prepared to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit through the word of God? Then vow this with a clear yes.”

Prayer following the vow

The vow is followed by a prayer. It should contain the following elements:

  • the plea for the strength and ability to keep this vow.
  • the plea for a blessed development of the adopted member’s faith. Act of Adoption

The officiant carries out this act with the following words:

“In the name of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I adopt you into the fellowship of profession and communion of the New Apostolic Church. You now have permanent access to Holy Communion and the blessings of the house of God.”

Further blessings with the following content may also be expressed:

  • may the triune God strengthen the faith and keep the believer in following Jesus Christ.
  • may the blessing of God accompany the believer, and the peace of the Risen One be present. Introduction of Holy Communion

After the officiant has conveyed congratulations to the adopted members, they return to their seats in the congregation.

If no other acts or musical contributions are planned, the congregation remains standing and the celebration of Holy Communion follows.