The Catechism of the New Apostolic Church

1.2 Holy Scripture

Over the course of many centuries, human experiences of God's revelation and His acts in the course of the history of salvation have been recorded in writing. Already in the time after the Babylonian exile, that is in the centuries before Christ's birth, the writings concerning God's acts, promises, and commandments were accorded great authority in Judaism, and were also called "Holy Scriptures" in the epistles of the New Testament. The second epistle to Timothy emphasises that these Scriptures are based on divine revelation: "... that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3: 15-16).

While Apostle Paul uses the term "Holy Scriptures" in reference to the compilation of sacred writings of Judaism in use at the time, the modern Christian usage of the term applies to the collection of the writings from both the old and the new covenants.

The term "Bible" is derived from the Greek word biblia, meaning "books, scrolls". The Bible is a collection of books from Old Testament times which came into being over a span of more than 1000 years, as well as books from the New Testament period, which were composed over a span of about 70 years.

The author of Holy Scripture is God, while its writers were human beings whom the Holy Spirit inspired (2 Peter 1: 20-21). God made use of their abilities to commit to writing that which was to be passed on in accordance with His will. Although the contents of the biblical books have their source in the Holy Spirit, they bear the mark of their respective writers and their perceptions of the world, in terms of style and form of expression. We have God to thank for the fact that these texts have remained unadulterated over all this time.

Holy Scripture is a testimony of the revelation of God without claiming to be a complete account of all of God's deeds (John 21: 25).