The power of silent prayer

In the Old Testament, Mount Zion was the dwelling place of God. It was the place where the people of God, the devout, could encounter God and speak with Him and where God revealed Himself to His people.

Today, Zion is everywhere where children of God gather to celebrate a divine service. It is so beautiful and a special grace that we can pray together and bring all our thoughts to expression and intercede for one another.

The effects and benefits of a prayer are, without a doubt, not dependent on the number of individuals praying. Sometimes believers think that the louder their prayers are, the more power they have. But the power of our prayers does not depend on the volume of our voice.

The power of a prayer depends on the peace and quiet in our hearts. We do not need to shout loudly to God. What counts is that our hearts are quiet. Then we can tell God about our wishes, cares, and thoughts and say to Him: “You know everything. You know what I need. I trust in You. Your will be done.” And I can tell you that such a prayer is a powerful prayer.

From a divine service by the Chief Apostle

August 2023