As far as the clouds go

“Your mercy, O Lord, is in the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the clouds” (Psalm 36: 5). This is a message especially for you, dear brother, and for you, dear sister.

Even though you may be very far away from God at the moment because you have distanced yourself from Him for some or other reason, His mercy and goodness, His grace, extend so far that they can still reach you. The Lord has not given up on you, even if you have drifted far away from Him. The grace of the Lord is still with you. His mercy and His faithfulness reach to the clouds.

There are brothers and sisters who have been living under a dark cloud for a long time. They have not seen the sun in a long time. There are only dark days for them. But the word of God, the promises of God are and remain true. The Lord’s grace is much greater than anything we can think of, and His mercy and faithfulness, and His truth, remain unchanged no matter what happens.

From a divine service by the Chief Apostle

November 2023