The Catechism in Questions & Answers

372. With what actions did Jesus Christ establish the church?

Jesus Christ established the church through the following significant actions: He

  • gathered disciples (cf. Mark 1: 16 et seq.),
  • preached about the kingdom of God (cf. Mark 1: 14-15),
  • elected the Apostles (cf. Luke 6: 12-16),
  • instituted the Petrine office (cf. Matthew 16: 18),
  • celebrated Holy Communion for the first time (cf. Matthew 26: 20-29),
  • brought His sacrifice on Good Friday (cf. Matthew 27: 50),
  • resurrected from the dead on Easter (cf. Matthew 28: 1 et seq.),
  • gave the Apostles the commission to proclaim the gospel and baptise in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (cf. Matthew 28: 19-20),
  • sent the Holy Spirit on Pentecost (cf. Acts 2: 1 et seq.).