The Catechism in Questions & Answers

719. What does the Bible relate about the prayer life of Jesus?

The gospels attest that Jesus often withdrew to pray. The gospel of Luke relates that Jesus made a special point of praying before decisive events, namely:

  • before the Holy Spirit descended upon Him (cf. Luke 3: 21, 22),
  • before He chose the twelve Apostles (cf. Luke 6: 12),
  • before the Father transfigured Him in the presence of witnesses from here and the beyond (cf. Luke 9: 28-36),
  • before His sufferings began (cf. Luke 22: 41-46),
  • before He died on the cross (cf. Luke 23: 46).

It is of note that Jesus already gave
thanks before His prayer had been
granted (cf. John 11: 41-42).