The Catechism in Questions & Answers

352. What does the Seventh Commandment mean for us today?

In the literal sense, theft occurs when material or intellectual property is taken away from others. However, usury, exploitation of a situation of need, embezzlement, fraud, tax evasion, corruption, and squandering money entrusted to one’s care must also be seen as violations of the Seventh Commandment.
In addition, the Seventh Commandment instructs us not to rob our neighbour of his honour or reputation, and not to attack his human dignity.

Usurers take advantage of others by demanding an excessive, unreasonable price for goods or services.
Embezzlement occurs when a person misappropriates the assets of others which were entrusted to his care. On one hand, the term ‘corruption’ refers to services performed (but primarily money given) in order to obtain something one is not entitled to obtain (bribery). On the other hand, corruption also occurs when a person allows himself to be bribed.