The Catechism in Questions & Answers

690. What is the function of the pastoral care visit?

The main focus of the pastoral care visit is the endeavour to deepen love for God and His work, to promote faith life, and enhance understanding for God’s activity of salvation. This is primarily achieved by way of discussions about matters of faith. Praying together is also an important part of the pastoral care visit.
In cases of sickness, New Apostolic Christians receive special attention through visits either at home or in hospital. The responsible minister strengthens them in faith, comforts them, prays with them, and, if possible, celebrates Holy Communion with them.
The model for this personal pastoral care is the activity of Jesus Christ, who repeatedly made such visits, for example, to Mary, Martha, and Lazarus, or to the tax collector Zacchaeus: “And Jesus said to him, ‘Today salvation has come to this house’” (Luke 19: 9).