The Catechism in Questions & Answers

702. How is pastoral care provided to the terminally ill and dying?

The terminally ill and dying require special care.
Even believing people are afraid of dying and death. This fear must never be interpreted as a sign of lacking faith. The minister should accept the dying person in all his fears and needs as he embarks on his difficult path.
It is important to keep alive the hope in a life with God and the comfort associated with this hope.
This support for the dying also entails that the minister proclaims the forgiveness of sins and the peace of the Risen One, and celebrates Holy Communion with them. Partaking in the body and blood of the Lord imparts fellowship of life with the Son of God. In this manner the dying are comforted and strengthened, making it easier for them to proceed along the last steps of their path of life. The assurance of a reunion with those who have already gone ahead into the beyond also helps carry the dying through the phase of bidding farewell.

Holy Communion: see Questions 494. et seq. Life after death: see Question 531.