Guide for Ministers

3.16 Prerequisites for a ministry

It is God Himself who designates an individual for a ministry. Thus the ministry is not a human work, nor is it ultimately that of the congregation. Rather it is God’s gift to His church. A person bears his or her ministry on the basis of divine will and not human decision. Although ministers are chosen by God, it may nevertheless happen that they do not live up to the demands of their ministry or even fail in it. Nevertheless, this does not call into question the original call of God.[22]

The ministries are independent of the character of the persons who bear them. Upon ordination, the gifts which ordained ministers possess as individuals are placed into the service of the congregation through blessing and sanctification. They can develop further in the course of one’s ministerial exercise, and other gifts and talents may also be revealed. The character and gifts of the persons ordained as ministers should be suited to managing the powers issued in the ordination in an appropriate manner. If the required conditions are not present, it cannot be assumed that any lacking talents will be compensated by the ordination.