Guide for Ministers

3.20.6 Obligations: Confidentiality

All ministers of the New Apostolic Church are subject to the duty of confidentiality. This includes all facts, information, and events of which they become aware in the scope of their ecclesiastical or pastoral activity that are not already public knowledge. The duty of confidentiality is unlimited in duration, and thus also continues to apply even after a minister’s retirement.

The pastoral care of the believers requires the contents of conversations to be treated confidentially and not passed on to others. This includes, for example, marital, familial, health-related, and financial circumstances, as well as any matters pertaining to lifestyle, condition of faith, or problems in faith. As a general rule, ministers are only permitted to pass along information from pastoral discussions to a superior minister if they have the express consent of the individual concerned.

Without the consent of the affected parties, information can only be passed along to a superior ministry if there is an irrefutable need. This is particularly the case in the event that

  • considerable damage is to be feared on the part of the Church (for example in the case of breaches of duty on the part of ministers)
  • a serious offence is intended or ongoing
  • there are indications of specific dangers to the lives or well-being of congregational members (for example, if someone has expressed their intent to commit suicide).

If there is no possibility of consulting ministers in leadership positions, the minister will decide independently whether to inform the state authorities, and will inform his or her leaders afterward.

The regulations of the Regional Church with respect to data protection apply here.